6 Easy Ways To Simplify Your Home

Did you know that, “Clutter constantly signals to our brains that our work is never done.”? This is why we tend to feel anxious and stressed when our homes are filled up with stuff. When you simplify your home, you clear the visual distractions around you, so that you can focus on the things that actually matter to you. Simplifying doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It’s a skill that you can learn and apply at any time.

simplify your home

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Decluttering is similar to cleaning … it’s an ongoing chore. Just as you will always have to vacuum, wash the laundry, and clean the bathrooms, you will always have to declutter your things. And just like you always have a trash can in your home to throw away your daily trash, you also always need to have a donation box to discard the things you no longer need. So find a good size box and put it in an easily accessible location like the garage, laundry room, or closet. If you put it somewhere that’s hard to get to, you are much less likely to use it. You want to use it often, just like you use your trash can often.

simple living room

Frame TV


If you’re not used to decluttering, it helps to warm up your muscles a little bit. Just like anything else, you gain skills and it becomes easier the more you do it. So once you have your donation box set up, it’s time to start using it every day. Set a goal that you will toss in 10 (or 20) items this week. Now, go through your normal daily/weekly routine and whenever you come across something that you know you don’t want, need, or use, immediately put it in the box (or the trash). Don’t wait for a special time to declutter an entire room. Get into the habit of tossing things in the box or trash immediately.

Focus on the easy things that you don’t need to think very hard about….clothes your kids have outgrown, socks with holes (trash), shoes that are too small, broken things, toys no one plays with, books no one reads, old magazines, dried up markers/paint, expired medicine or food, jars you don’t need, decor you don’t like, etc. If it’s unused and unwanted, purge it immediately. You want to start gaining some momentum so you start seeing and feeling the benefits.


Remove any unnecessary things from all your work surfaces, such as the kitchen counters, bathroom counters, desks, and dining room table. In the bathroom, clear everything except the soap off the counter. Put away the toothbrushes, combs, makeup, lotions, etc.. into the drawers or cabinets. In the kitchen, remove small appliances, extra decor, and any other items from the counters that aren’t necessary. When you store items in the drawers and cabinets rather than on the counters, it instantly reduces visual clutter and allows those surfaces to work harder for you. Practice cleaning up each day and keeping those surfaces clear.

minimal living room

Pillows (Use Code JAIMEJSCOTT for 10% off) / Woven Wood Shades (Color : Bonaire Flaxen)


Sometimes we get so used to the pictures on our walls, the pillows on our couch, or the knickknacks sitting on our bookcases that we never even think to question if we still like them. And over time, those things that have become so familiar to us can start to make a room feel cluttered and overwhelming. Remember … clutter is constantly telling you that your work is never done. So you want to clear these things out so that your home feels restful to you.

Take some time to stand in your living room or a bedroom and question everything. Question the plants, the pillows, the pictures, the books and baskets, the trinkets and tchotchkes. I love the words of William Morris, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” Remove anything that you don’t love or need. This will quiet your space and a give your room a chance to breathe again. If you’re unsure about a particular item, try putting it away in a closet for a few weeks and see how the room feels without it. You may find that you don’t even miss it. It’s often the things that we’re holding onto that keep us from creating a home that we love.

turkish towels, minimal bathroom

Turkish Towels / Body Brush


Start reducing the amount of repeat/similar items in your home. This includes towels, sheets, pillow cases, pens/sharpies, serving dishes, cups, plates, bowls, coffee mugs etc… Spend some time deciding how many of each item you actually need for your family and guests. Then pick out your favorites and eliminate the rest. For example, instead of having multiple sets of sheets for each bed, try reducing this to just one or two sets. If you strip the sheets each week, wash them, and then put them straight back on the bed, you don’t need multiple sets of sheets stored in the linen closet. Similarly, give each person in the family their own bath towel for the week, then wash them all and hang them right back up (no need to fold!). Keep a few extras as backups (these can also be used for guests), then let go of the rest. This will save you both time and space.


As human beings, we’re constantly growing and changing… our kids are growing up, our living situations change, and our interests and hobbies also change. Purging those things that no longer serve us well is a natural part of that. It may be difficult to find the time to declutter an entire bedroom or closet all at once, but if you consistently incorporate these small habits into your life, you’ll notice a big difference over time. And that will motivate you to keep going!


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